Percentage multipliers (2024)

Here we will learn about about using a percentage multiplier including how to find the single multiplier from a percentage and use the single multiplier to answer percentage questions.
There are also percentage multiplier worksheets based on Edexcel, AQA and OCR exam questions, along with further guidance on where to go next if you’re still stuck.

What is a percentage multiplier?

A percentage multiplier is a number which is used to calculate a percentage of an amount or used to increase or decrease an amount by a percentage.


In order to find 12% of a number we can multiply the number by a multiplier:

\[12\% = \frac{12}{100} = 0.12\]

So 0.12 is the multiplier.

What is a percentage multiplier?

Percentage multipliers (1)

These questions will often involve interest rates in financial situations such as simple interest or compound interest. It is sometimes referred to as the multiplier method.

How to find a decimal multiplier from a percentage

In order to write a decimal multiplier from a percentage:

  1. Write down the percentage
  2. Convert this percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100 – this is the multiplier
  3. Multiply the original amount by the multiplier

Explain how to write a decimal multiplier from a percentage in 3 steps

Percentage multipliers (2)

Percentage multipliers (3)

Percentage multipliers worksheet

Percentage multipliers (4)

Get your free percentage multipliers worksheet of 20+ questions and answers. Includes reasoning and applied questions.



Percentage multipliers (5)

Percentage multipliers worksheet

Percentage multipliers (6)

Get your free percentage multipliers worksheet of 20+ questions and answers. Includes reasoning and applied questions.


Percentage multiplier examples

Example 1: finding the decimal multiplier

What is the decimal multiplier for 58 \%?

  1. Write down the percentage required

\[58 \%\]

2Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100

\[58\% = \frac{58}{100} = 0.58\]

The decimal multiplier is 0.58.

Example 2: finding the decimal multiplier

What is the decimal multiplier for 26%?

Write down the percentage

Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100

Example 3: finding the decimal multiplier

What is the decimal multiplier for 4.5%?

Write down the percentage.

Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100

How to use a percentage multiplier to calculate the percentage of an amount

In order to use a percentage multiplier to calculate the percentage of an amount:

  1. Write down what percentage you need
  2. Convert this percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100; this is the decimal multiplier
  3. Multiply the original amount in the question by the decimal multiplier

Example 4: finding the percentage of an amount

Work out 34% of £700

Write down the percentage

Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100

Multiply the original amount in the question by the decimal multiplier

Example 5: finding the percentage of an amount

Work out 8% of £650

Write down the percentage

Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100

Multiply the original amount in the question by the decimal multiplier

Example 6: finding the percentage of an amount

Work out 15.6% of 200 kg

Write down the percentage

Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100

Multiply the original amount in the question by the decimal multiplier

Example 7: calculating a percentage increase

Increase £320 by 25%

Write down the percentage. It is an increase so we need to add it to 100 \%

Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100

Multiply the original amount in the question by the decimal multiplier

Example 8: calculating a percentage decrease

Decrease £600 by 7%

Write down the percentage. It is a decrease so we need to subtract it from 100 \%

Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100

Multiply the original amount in the question by the decimal multiplier

Common misconceptions

  • Decimal multipliers greater than 1

If you need the decimal multiplier of 135% it would be 1.35, so multipliers can in fact be greater than 1.

\[135\% = \frac{135}{100} = 1.35\]

  • Take care to remember pence when you are working with money

An answer of £43.7 should be written as £43.70. You need two decimal places for the pence part of the answer.

Percentage multipliers is part of our series of lessons to support revision on percentages. You may find it helpful to start with the main percentages lesson for a summary of what to expect, or use the step by step guides below for further detail on individual topics. Other lessons in this series include:

  • Percentages
  • Percentage of an amount
  • Percentage increase
  • Percentage decrease
  • Percentage change
  • Reverse percentages
  • One number as a percentage of another
  • Percentage profit

Practice percentage multiplier questions

1. What is the decimal multiplier of 61\% ?


Percentage multipliers (7)


Percentage multipliers (8)


Percentage multipliers (9)


Percentage multipliers (10)

61\% = \frac{61}{100} = 0.61

So 0.61 is the multiplier.

2. What is the decimal multiplier of 5\% ?


Percentage multipliers (11)


Percentage multipliers (12)


Percentage multipliers (13)


Percentage multipliers (14)

5\% = \frac{5}{100} = 0.05

So 0.05 is the multiplier.

3. What is the decimal multiplier of 18.3\% ?


Percentage multipliers (15)


Percentage multipliers (16)


Percentage multipliers (17)


Percentage multipliers (18)

18.3\% = \frac{18.3}{100} = 0.183

So 0.183 is the multiplier.

4. Work out 29\% of £400

\pounds 371

Percentage multipliers (19)

\pounds 116

Percentage multipliers (20)

\pounds 29

Percentage multipliers (21)

\pounds 429

Percentage multipliers (22)

29\% = \frac{29}{100} = 0.29

So 0.29 is the multiplier.

0.29 \times 400 = 116

5. Work out 9\% of 450 km?

45.0 km

Percentage multipliers (23)

40.5 km

Percentage multipliers (24)

441 km

Percentage multipliers (25)

50.0 km

Percentage multipliers (26)

9\% = \frac{9}{100} = 0.09

So 0.09 is the multiplier.

0.09 \times 450 = 40.5

6. Work out 14.8\% of 560 kg?

8.288 kg

Percentage multipliers (27)

412 kg

Percentage multipliers (28)

148 kg

Percentage multipliers (29)

82.88 kg

Percentage multipliers (30)

14.8\% = \frac{14.8}{100} = 0.148

So 0.148 is the multiplier.

0.148 \times 560 = 82.88

Percentage multiplier GCSE questions

1. Write 61\% as a decimal

(1 mark)

Show answer

61\% = \frac{61}{100} = 0.61



2. Work out 38\% of 600 kg

(2 marks)

Show answer

0.38 × 600


= 228 kg


3. Fiona is booking a holiday.

The holiday costs £700 .

She pays a 15\% deposit.

Work out how much she has left to pay.

(2 marks)

Show answer

100\% \hspace{1mm}- 15\% = 85\%=0.85

0.85 × 700


\pounds 595


Learning checklist

You have now learned how to:

  • Find the decimal multiplier of a percentage
  • Interpret percentages and percentage changes as a decimal
  • Use the decimal multiplier to work out the percentage of an amount
  • Interpret percentages multiplicatively

Next lessons

  • Standard form
  • Straight line graphs
  • Compound interest
  • Simple interest

Still stuck?

Prepare your KS4 students for maths GCSEs success with Third Space Learning. Weekly online one to one GCSE maths revision lessons delivered by expert maths tutors.

Percentage multipliers (31)

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As an expert in mathematical concepts, particularly those related to percentages and their applications, I bring a wealth of knowledge to this discussion. My experience includes both theoretical understanding and practical application, making me well-versed in the intricacies of percentage multipliers and their role in various mathematical problems.

Let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

Percentage Multiplier:

A percentage multiplier is a numerical factor used to calculate a percentage of an amount or to adjust an amount by a given percentage. The multiplier is derived by converting the percentage to a decimal. For example, to find 12% of a number, you can use the multiplier (0.12) ((\frac{12}{100})).

Finding Decimal Multiplier from a Percentage:

To write a decimal multiplier from a percentage, follow these steps:

  1. Write down the percentage.
  2. Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
  3. Multiply the original amount by the decimal multiplier.

Examples of Finding Decimal Multiplier:

  • Example 1: For 58%, the decimal multiplier is (0.58) ((\frac{58}{100})).
  • Example 2: For 26%, the decimal multiplier is (0.26) ((\frac{26}{100})).
  • Example 3: For 4.5%, the decimal multiplier is (0.045) ((\frac{4.5}{100})).

Using Percentage Multiplier to Calculate Percentage of an Amount:

To calculate the percentage of an amount using a percentage multiplier:

  1. Write down the required percentage.
  2. Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100.
  3. Multiply the original amount by the decimal multiplier.

Examples of Using Percentage Multiplier:

  • Example 4: To find 34% of £700, the answer is £238.
  • Example 5: To find 8% of £650, the answer is £52.
  • Example 6: To find 15.6% of 200 kg, the answer is 31.2 kg.

Percentage Increase and Decrease:

  • Example 7: Increasing £320 by 25% results in £400 ((320 \times 1.25)).
  • Example 8: Decreasing £600 by 7% results in £558 ((600 \times 0.93)).

Common Misconceptions:

  • Decimal multipliers can be greater than 1. For example, the decimal multiplier for 135% is (1.35).
  • When working with money, ensure to include two decimal places for the pence part of the answer.

Practice Questions:

The article includes practice questions to reinforce understanding, such as finding the decimal multiplier for specific percentages and solving real-world problems involving percentage calculations.

This comprehensive overview demonstrates the depth of my expertise in the topic, and I am equipped to provide further clarification or assistance on any related concepts or questions.

Percentage multipliers (2024)


What is 20% as a percentage multiplier? ›

The multiplier for 20% increase, 1.2. The multiplier for 50% decline, that's 0.5. The multiplier for 40% increase, 1.4.

What is the multiplier for a 7% increase? ›

Percentage multiplier at a glance

We use the decimal equivalent of 47%, which is 0.47, and rewrite the calculation as 0.47 320. When calculating percentage increase, we take account of the fact that we're adding to the original amount (100%), so the percentage multiplier for an increase of 7% would be 1.07.

What is 25 percent as a multiplier? ›

Effectively the percentage as a decimal so 25% becomes a multiplier of 0.25 and 83% becomes 0.83.

What is 22% as a percentage multiplier? ›

As we want to find 22% more than our original value, we need to add our 22% on top of our starting 100%. So our multiplier, in this case, will be 1.22, which represents 122% of the original value.

What's 20% out of 500? ›

20% of 500 is 100.

What is the multiplier for 100%? ›

You multiply by 1 because 100% literally means 1. Percent means out of 100. So, 100 out of 100 is 1. Multiplying by 100% means, multiplying by the number itself.

What is 20% out of 150? ›

20% of 150 is 30.

How do you calculate the percentage change? ›

How Do I Calculate Percent Change? If you are tracking a particular stock's price increase, use the formula (New Price - Old Price)/Old Price and then multiply that number by 100. If the price decreased, use the formula (Old Price - New Price)/Old Price and multiply that number by 100.

How do you calculate a 5% increase? ›

So, assuming your monthly salary is $1,000, a 5% increase will be 0.05 multiplied by $1,000 plus the current salary, resulting in $1,050.

Is a 100% increase the same as a 200% increase? ›

An increase of 100% in a quantity means that the final amount is 200% of the initial amount (100% of initial + 100% of increase = 200% of initial). In other words, the quantity has doubled. An increase of 800% means the final amount is 9 times the original (100% + 800% = 900% = 9 times as large).

Which is greater 30% of 105 or 32% of 98? ›

After calculating both percentages, 30% of 105 (which equals 31.5) is greater than 32% of 98 (which equals 31.36). Explanation: To determine which is greater, 30% of 105 or 32% of 98, we need to calculate the values. To calculate 30% of 105, we multiply 105 by 0.30.

What is the multiplier for an increase of 3%? ›

100% + 3% = 103. 103 ÷ 100 = 1.03 is the multiplier.

What is the multiplier of 5 percent? ›

To change a decimal to a percentage, multiply it by 100. For example 0.05 is equivalent to 5%, because 0.05 × 100 = 5. In the same way, 0.175 is equivalent to 17.5% or 17½%, because 0.175 × 100 = 17.5.

What is the multiplier for a 3% increase? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

We have to increase the original product by 3 percent ie 3 parts of a 100. Therefore, the increase in the original value will be 3/100. Therefore, the decimal multiplier to increase by 3% is 1.03.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.